"Sailing the Seas of Flavor: My favorite Seafood Dishes from Around the World" Part 2 Cape Town, South Africa

Published on 28 August 2023 at 00:08



"A Dash of Love, A Pinch of Adventure, and a Spoonful of Youthful Stupidity: My South African  Culinary Seafood Odyssey"

Welcome back, dear readers, to another thrilling chapter of my favorite seafood dishes from around the world. This time, we embark on a journey to South Africa, a place that serendipitously stole my heart.

The Call of Africa

From a rebellious teenager's adventure in a small Kenyan village to the bustling kitchens onboard the luxury cruise ship Queen Mary 2, I've always felt a connection to the African continent. I knew that one day my culinary pursuits would take me back to Africa, but little did I know, it would lead me to South Africa.


A Rockstar Chef and a Heartfelt Journey

Life on the Queen Mary 2 was a mix of hard work, intense cooking, and, let's admit it, partying like a rockstar in the crew bars. Ah, to be young and naïve again! It was here that I met a girl, one among many in those days, who would lead me on a path to South Africa.

Now, readers, you must understand, I could have ended up anywhere in the world, following love and adventure. But that's a tale for another time. South Africa it was, and off I went, heart pounding and skillet in hand.

The first taste of South African soil was nothing short of magic. I fell in love, not just with the girl (that's another story, and believe me, it didn't end as expected), but with the country itself. It was a coincidence that shaped many wonderful years of my life, introducing me to some of the most remarkable people and flavors.


An Invitation to Explore

Join me as we dive into the coastal culinary wonders of South Africa. From the traditional 'braais' to the freshest seafood, this journey is not just about taste; it's about culture, love, and a young chef's whimsical adventure.

Fasten your seatbelts, dear readers, for a taste of South Africa that promises to tantalize your senses and tickle your funny bone. You'll laugh, you'll drool, and you might even find yourself booking the next flight to Cape Town.


The Taste of South Africa


South African cuisine is nothing short of a symphony. Imagine the blend of Dutch, French, Indian, and indigenous African cuisines harmonizing together. Each has its own note, yet when played together, they create a melody that's uniquely South African.

The term "Rainbow Nation" not only applies to its multi-ethnic society but also encapsulates its cuisine. Take bobotie for example, a Cape Malay specialty that's a delicious mishmash of spiced minced meat baked with an egg-based topping. Or the famous Boerewors, a farmer's sausage that finds its roots in Dutch cuisine but is distinctively local in its spicing and preparation.

But what hooked me the most was the seafood. Ah, the seafood! Have you ever tasted the richness of Cape salmon, freshly caught and cooked over open flames on the beach? Or savored a pot of mussels in white wine, its sauce the epitome of umami? Each experience was a lesson, a story, and a culinary adventure, sculpting my understanding of how deep the bond between land, sea, and man could go.

I took these flavors, these textures, and these profoundly South African experiences back to my own kitchen. And it wasn't just the food—it was the techniques too. From the art of braai (South African BBQ) to the delicate finesse needed to balance the spicy and sweet notes in a Durban curry, each was a skill I was eager to master and adapt.

It was also here that I discovered the profound simplicity of local recipes. The focus was always on the purity of the ingredients—letting the fresh catch of the day or the ripest vegetables shine. I remember an elderly fisherman at a market in Knysna telling me, "Son, when the seafood is this good, you don't need to do much. Let the ocean speak for itself." That advice resonated with me deeply and is a philosophy I continue to carry in my culinary adventures.


My Journey to Cape Town 

As I disembarked from the Queen Mary 2, a cruise liner that once ferried me across the high seas while I cooked up a storm, I had the swagger of a man who felt like a king. Money was in my pocket and sleep—a precious commodity on board—was now mine to indulge. Little did I know that this newfound wealth would soon evaporate faster than a pat of butter on a hot pan. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

My mastermind had crafted a master plan: South Africa, here I come! Well, the British customs almost thwarted my one-way ticket adventure to Johannesburg. They weren't thrilled with the lack of a return ticket, but a quick booking (and subsequent cancellation once I was aboard the plane) saved the day.

With a wink and a nod to my youthful exuberance, I partook in the in-flight festivities—also known as 'free alcohol.' I snoozed comfortably through the ten-hour flight, only to wake up groggier than a Monday morning. Navigating through Johannesburg's airport was, let's just say, an experience. Like a vampire hit by sunlight, I staggered outside, where a mob of taxi drivers offered me exorbitant "special fares."

Caffeine and nicotine refueled, I finally made it to my hotel, where I crashed and rose again to, unfortunately, unleash hell on my liver—thanks to an excess of Jägermeister. After days of such youthful debauchery, my body and soul yearned for detox, which, in my book, is another term for "Bloody Mary."

Long story short, I decided to bus it to Cape Town. A flight would have been too... normal for my adventurous spirit. Oh, how I regretted that decision during the nine cramped, seemingly  endless hours on that bus. Arriving in Cape Town, the first place I planted myself was an internet café—old school, I know. Barely an hour into my Cape Town saga, my backpack was stolen, along with my passport. Welcome to South Africa, Dominik!

But much like the unsinkable Queen Mary 2, I too could not be deterred by minor setbacks or youthful follies.

The  of day of my arrival in Cape Town had its share of unfortunate events. There I was, freshly robbed but in possession of a filed police report, wearing the naïveté of a youthful adventurer like a badge. To add salt to my wounds, the receptionist at the internet café, who seemed like a friend in need, turned out to be an accomplice in the theft of my luggage. Ah, the joys of travel!

With that eventful day behind me, I checked into a quaint, family-owned hotel on the beachfront. It had the essentials—a bed, a shower, and most importantly, it was far from the scene of my earlier debacle. With my wallet still miraculously by my side, I had enough to start anew, and so I crashed, eager to put the day behind me.

The next morning, Cape Town had a different plan for me. Seagulls cawed loudly outside my window, as if discussing the latest gossip about the new guy in town. The salty breeze from the ocean wafted through the slightly ajar window. I took a deep breath, eyes still closed, and was greeted by the pure, unadulterated scent of the sea. I could almost taste the salt on my lips—a chef's first love, the salt of the earth or, in this case, the sea.

Opening my eyes, I felt like a new man, and not just because I’d shed the skin of yesterday's mishaps. There was a hunger in me, but not just for food. I needed a good, strong coffee to kickstart the day, and perhaps, the rest of my time in this promising land.


"Kingklip Meunière: The Dish that Stole My Heart at Cape Town's Waterfront"

Ah, the Cape Town waterfront—a buzzing tapestry of seagulls, laughter, and live music. It's where I found myself after surviving another epic taxi ride, heart pounding but stomach empty. For the reasonable sum of 20 Rand—roughly two bucks—I was transported to this maritime wonderland.

Hunger led me to a charming oceanfront restaurant, aptly named "Oceans 11." I'll admit, I was drawn in by the waiter's enthusiastic suggestion of the "Catch of the Day." If you're new to the seafood game, here's a tip: Trust a South African waiter with your seafood, but proceed with caution when it comes to cocktails.

The catch? A drool-worthy dish of Kingklip Meunière. A generous fillet, pan-fried to a glorious golden brown, lay before me. It was crowned with a rich, lemon-caper butter sauce that was a gastronomic masterpiece in itself. With every bite, the flaky fish seemed to do a joyous dance in my mouth, harmonizing with the tangy and buttery notes of its saucy accompaniment. It was like eating a piece of the ocean, but way, way better. I felt like I was joining an exclusive club, with my membership solidified by the empty plate I left behind.

But then came the cocktail of the day: The "Burning Lamborghini." This is not a drink; it's an experience—a trio of different Sambuca liqueurs ignited before your very eyes. The catch? You've got to slurp it through a straw while the liquid is aflame. Go too slow, and the straw melts into an unappetizing glob. Too fast, and you're an unwitting pyrotechnician, suddenly setting your surroundings (and potentially yourself) ablaze. This cocktail is the definition of living dangerously. Thank goodness I wasn't tasked with navigating a vehicle ; walking in a straight line was a lofty ambition by that point.

Life lesson from this culinary adventure? When a South African waiter recommends the "Catch of the Day," go for it. But when he presents you with a cocktail of the day, make sure you've updated your life insurance—or at least, are prepared for an unforgettable evening.

For those curious to recreate the Kingklip Meunière magic at home, check out the recipe here. Until the next culinary escapade, this is Dominik, wobbling—but supremely satisfied—from the southernmost tip of Africa.


Conclusion: The Symphony of South Africa, A Culinary Adventure Not To Be Missed


As I sit down to recount my adventures, I’m reminded that South Africa is not just a destination—it's a sensation that leaves an indelible imprint on your soul. My first journey here opened up a world of sun-drenched landscapes, the rhythmic waves of the ocean, and an astonishing array of culinary gems. And let's not forget the Kingklip Meunière, the dish that captured my heart and tastebuds.

What started as an unexpected detour soon became a long-standing love affair with the country. I stayed for many years, soaking in every nuance and character that this unique land has to offer—a tale of further adventures that will have to wait for another day. Oh, and lest I forget, I did manage to secure a new passport; it seems even bureaucracy couldn’t hold me back from my South African dream.

South Africans have a captivating way of life—an openness, a vibrancy that you experience from Cape Town to Durban and everywhere in-between. It's in the kindly fisherman reeling in their daily catch, it's in the buzzing atmosphere of Long Street, and it's most certainly in the many talented chefs from all corners of South Africa who bring these fresh flavors to life in innovative and delicious ways.

The culinary world here is a blend of history and modernity, with Dutch, Malay, Indigenous, and Indian influences that create a rich tapestry of flavors. It's as diverse and colorful as the nation itself.

So, to my fellow culinary explorers and readers of Dominik's Kitchen Chronicles, if South Africa isn't on your bucket list, add it. Now. I can assure you, once South Africa has you in its grasp, it's hard to leave. But then again, why would you want to?

This was my first chapter in the story of South Africa, but it is far from my last. With new flavors to discover and experiences to savor, the Rainbow Nation calls me back, again and again.

Until our next culinary journey, whether in South Africa or some other incredible corner of the world, bon appétit and may your travels be as rewarding as they have been for me!

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