Welcome to a culinary journey that takes you straight to the heart of Germany's coastal traditions! Inspired by the idyllic Timmendorfer Strand and years of treasured experiences in local kitchens, I present to you Flounder à la Büsumer Art. This dish, rich in flavors and textures, encapsulates the essence of the Baltic Sea with crispy pan-seared flounder, succulent shrimp, tender asparagus, and a luxurious white wine sauce. It's more than just a recipe; it's a story of heritage, friendship, and the love for authentic German seafood cuisine. Dive into the recipe below and let your taste buds explore!



The Origin and History of Flounder à la Büsumer Art

The origins of Flounder à la Büsumer Art can be traced back to the coastal regions of Northern Germany, particularly the town of Büsum in Schleswig-Holstein. Büsum, a charming fishing village on the North Sea, has long been celebrated for its abundance of fresh seafood, especially flounder.

The Origins

Historically, flounder was considered a common fisherman's meal. It was a staple for the local communities, both affordable and plentiful. The methods of preparation were relatively simple, often involving frying or grilling the whole fish. Over time, chefs and home cooks began to refine the dish, adding complementary ingredients like shrimp and asparagus, and enriching it with butter-based sauces.

The Name

"Flounder à la Büsumer Art" pays homage to Büsum, capturing the essence of the region's culinary traditions. The "Art" in the name signifies "style," indicating a specific way of preparing the dish that is distinct to the area.


Evolution of the Dish

While the basic concept of cooking whole flounder has remained constant, the dish has seen several variations and embellishments. The inclusion of shrimp and asparagus, along with a luxurious white wine sauce, is a more contemporary touch, reflecting the influences of modern German cuisine.

A Culinary Emblem

Today, Flounder à la Büsumer Art is not just a recipe but a symbol of German coastal culture. It represents a harmonious blend of local ingredients, traditional techniques, and innovative flavors. Whether enjoyed in a fine dining establishment or prepared at home, the dish continues to be a beloved part of the culinary landscape.

In crafting Flounder à la Büsumer Art, one engages with a rich tapestry of history, culture, and gastronomic creativity. It's a dish that invites exploration and celebration of Germany's maritime heritage, making it a favorite for both locals and travelers alike. Enjoy the flavors, the story, and the connection to a place where the sea meets the land in a dance of culinary artistry!


Embracing the Ingredients: A Culinary Symphony

In Flounder à la Büsumer Art, every ingredient plays an integral role in creating a harmonious and delightful culinary experience. Here's how each one contributes to the magic of the dish:




Whole Fresh Flounder: The star, symbolizing the coastal waters, it's the canvas on which this masterpiece is painted. Its delicate flavor and fine texture are the embodiment of the North Sea's bounty.



All-purpose Flour: A humble ingredient, yet vital in creating the crispy golden crust that contrasts beautifully with the soft flesh of the flounder.



Butter: The soul of the sauce, imparting a rich, luxurious quality. Its transformation into clarified butter for searing adds depth and a nutty aroma that elevates the dish.

Fresh Shrimp: These jewels of the sea offer a sweet and succulent bite, providing a maritime echo that resonates with the flounder.

Fish Stock: A nod to the sea, enriching the sauce with its robust flavor, connecting every element on the plate.

White Wine: This sophisticated addition balances the richness, adding a pleasant acidity and aromatic complexity to the sauce.

Green Asparagus Spears: A touch of earthiness, they add color, texture, and a hint of springtime freshness.



Lemon Juice & Fresh Dill: The zest and herbaceous freshness cut through the richness, adding layers of flavor that dance on the palate.




Salt and Pepper: The unsung heroes, subtly enhancing and uniting all the flavors, making each ingredient sing.




Fresh Lemon Wedges: A final flourish of citrusy brightness, awakening the senses and completing the coastal culinary journey.


In Flounder à la Büsumer Art, each ingredient is a note in a symphony, a brushstroke in a painting. They come together to tell a story, a tale of tradition, innovation, and the beautiful simplicity of coastal German cuisine. As you cook, embrace these ingredients, understanding their role, their character, and their contribution to a dish that's close to my heart. Enjoy the process, savor the flavors, and let each bite transport you to the shores of Timmendorfer Strand!

Flounder à la Büsumer Art



  • 4 whole fresh flounders (around 400-500g each), cleaned and gutted
  • 200g fresh shrimp, peeled
  • 8 green asparagus spears, trimmed
  • 4 tablespoons white wine
  • 4 tablespoons fish stock
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 200g butter, divided
  • 2 tablespoons fresh dill, chopped
  • All-purpose flour, for coating
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Fresh lemon wedges, for garnish


  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
  2. Prepare the Flounder: Rinse the whole flounders inside and out, pat dry, and make shallow diagonal cuts on both sides. Season with salt and pepper. Lightly coat each flounder with flour, shaking off the excess. This will help to create a crispy outside skin.
  3. Prepare Clarified Butter: Melt 100g of butter over low heat. Skim off the foam and slowly pour the clear liquid into another container, leaving the milk solids behind. This process removes water and milk solids, allowing the butter to be heated to a higher temperature without burning.
  4. Sear the Flounder: Heat the clarified butter in a large pan over medium-high heat. Sear the flounders for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Transfer to a baking dish.
  5. Bake the Flounder: Bake the flounders for 20-25 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.
  6. Cook the Asparagus and Shrimp: While the flounder is baking, sauté the asparagus and shrimp in 50g of regular butter over medium heat until tender and cooked through. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Create the Sauce: In a saucepan, combine white wine, fish stock, and lemon juice. Reduce by half over medium heat. Whisk in the remaining 50g of regular butter until emulsified, then stir in dill. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Assemble the Dish: Plate the baked flounders, spoon the sauce over the top, and then add the sautéed shrimp and asparagus. Garnish with fresh lemon wedges.



Serve the Flounder à la Büsumer Art alongside a classic German  side dish like pan fried potatoes topped with caramelized onions and crispy bacon . This recipe emphasizes the crispy skin of the flounder, complemented by the rich, buttery sauce, and topped with perfectly sautéed shrimp and asparagus.